Life is movement, we breath, eat, move, speak, express and achieve. Impulses and emotions flowes through our body. thoughts flows through our brain.
The free flow in us creates pleasure. To become aweare of the flow and how we experience the flow is very importent, then experience and awearness comes togather to help us to grow and develope who we are.
One of our aims in life is to experience joy, pleasure and connectedness. To enfold our capacity to love and create beauty, harmony and fullfillment.
If pleasure is a life task then we can ask ourselves „why many people have choosen to suffer instead of bringing more pleasure into their life?“
Maybe the awnser can be movement that cannot be controlled by the Ego is dengerouse. So pain and suffering is a contractive controlled movement pleasure is an expansive flow movement.
Eros, love and sexuality are the most importent Source for pleasure and fulfillment. They represents different aspects oft the life force.
Eros ist the power of transformation and resonance it helps you to transform your defences, your negative thoughts and believes, your destorted Feelings. It helps you to free your self from limitation.
Every one of us hast the experience of connecting and resonating with the object of connection. That can be a beautifule snow feeld a flower or other person. In those moments we feel the vibration ,the attraction the fascanation and the excitment. Two energy systems comes togather to share oneness.
In those moments the energy expands, radiates, vibrates. Both feels their heart pulsating a wave of energy flows through their body and warmth feeling
Expands in their heart longing form merging. The perception changes, devine and blessing comes into that relational moment of meeting togather . Hier is the Eros power on work
Love ist the power of Union that is allways their at the Universe. Love as the power of union is constant
In life . it didnot change it is allways their to be used for unification it depends on your will, your willingness to move in this direction to start unifing t dualitys, in your personality and the dualities to the out side. Love needs your truthfullness to explore your deep negative and destructive forces. The willingness and the ohnesty in explore and understand the feeling and the beeing of other persons. The willingness to explore und open up to the mystery of life. Love is a positive intention to find the good and move with the good of other person.
A natural love is an expression of joy and happyness
Sexuality ist the power of creation, it is not just reduced to the man woman connection it is in every activity we do in life. It is the creative power that is allways trying to create the third possibility.
Out of two dualities two pols a third becomes possible. We got married to make things happen that i allone cannot make them happen. But we togather.
Sexuality has a lot to do with lust and pleasure.
If this power is blocked we experience depression and hopelessness. If we cannot move, create, express and share our abilities to make things happen in our lifes we loose hope, loose the light of orientation. Our life become dark and empty.